Lord Shiva is a Hegelian and a Marxists at the same time

Dialectics, perfected by Hegel, and “made it stand on its feet” by Marx, owes its existence to Lord Shiva, whose eternal dance (natya) stands for the motion of matter or the movement of the universe as such. It will put to rest all the intellectual interpretations whether dialectics is materialism, as advocated by Marx, or idealism, as proposed by Hegel. In this two logical premises, on whose side is Lord Shiva? Will he favour the author of Das Capital, who burned the midnight oil for years to produce the path-breaking theory of historical materialism and surplus value as part of his thesis, antithesis and synthesis theory, which he borrowed from Hegel’s triadic structure of thought? Or will the Lord side with the German university professor who said nothing is lost or destroyed but is overcome and preserved as part of the sublation.

The whole paraphernalia, which the Lord uses during his dance such drum, beats, crescent, fire, beads, water, et all, indicate the superiority of matter and the need of matter for existence – thus the Lord is a Marxist, while his own existence as uncaused says an idea can take birth or can be created irrespective of matter – thus he is a Hegelian.

Again, coming back to the dance of Shiva (nataraja), apart from the Lord, there is only one human being present in his two-feet four-hand dance posture. In the posture, the Lord is seen as standing on a person, who is known as ‘Apasmara’ and stands for ignorance. (The writer is skipping here the cultural victory of the Lord over human beings!). However, Apasmara should not be mistaken for Evil as this action is relative and is subjective with regard to the Good. Both the good and evil came into existence in the course of social development of human beings and with the birth of civilizations and cultures. What is good today may not be true so tomorrow.